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Navantia Australia looks forward to ‘Doing Business with Defence’ in WA


Navantia Australia’s SEA 5000 Supply Chain Manager, Greg Keen, today addressed the 2017 WA Defence Conference ‘Doing Business with Defence’. Mr Keen gave an update on current and future naval projects and encouraged the State’s industry to take up opportunities with Navantia Australia.

The conference, hosted by The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, brought together key defence decision-makers, defence experts and supply chain purchasers to provide insights for WA businesses looking to enter the defence supply chain, and advice on maximising the opportunities available for those already involved in defence.

“Navantia first established a presence in Australia in 2006. Navantia Australia has tripled our workforce since 2014 and we now have a team of over 120 people, operating out of four states across the country. We are looking forward to opening our Western Australian facility in mid 2018 and further growing our sustainable, long term partnerships with local industry,” said Navantia Australia Managing Director Donato Martinez.

In its bid for Australia’s SEA 5000 Future Frigate program, Navantia Australia has committed to creating more than 7,000 jobs across the shipbuilding enterprise and sustainment activities, including project management, design, planning, procurement, production, test and evaluation, and acceptance.

“Navantia Australia has a deeply ingrained philosophy of partnership. For every ship we have delivered to the Royal Australian Navy over the past decade and will deliver in the coming years – over 100,000 tonnes – we’ve worked with hundreds of Australian companies, supporting them to grow and giving them the edge to deliver competitive solutions,” Mr Keen said. “We look forward to maintaining this close relationship in future acquisition and sustainment programs.”

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