Simulation and Training
Simulation and Training
NAVANTIS is a next generation training system for ships, vessels designed by Navantia. By using NAVANTIS, whole crews are able leave the training room, go straight on board and sail safely away.
Navantia offers both initial and continuing training, through online classroom courses and on-the-job training to optimise crew training in the operation and maintenance of on board systems and equipment. This training is designed to instruct, teach and train all personnel in charge of the maintenance of equipment and systems.
The NAVANTIS family of products (NAVANTIA Training Integrated System), are state-of-the-art systems dedicated to support training.
Training is in two stages:
- E-learning based stage for operation and maintenance
- Hands-on exercise stage based on platform simulators for operational training.
Simulation models are developed in accordance with data produced during ship design, production and test stages. The latest generation graphic engines achieve a highly realistic visualisation of the natural environment.
The NAVANTIS learning room makes extensive uses of hardware visualisation through the “glass console” concept. Operator familiarisation with real ship hardware elements is achieved through the use of highly realistic virtual touch interactive elements based on those in real ships.
Since the operator interface is software-based, a single NAVANTIS training room hardware is easily reconfigurable by interchanging ship software to faithfully represent various ships. Video walls and Virtual Reality goggles provide natural environment immersion.
Learning room features:
- Modular – applicable to any vessel size
- Configurable –the same hardware can be used to simulate a variety of ships
- Real ship fidelity – it recreates with high precision the physical interfaces of any specific vessel
- Multidisciplinary – it integrates training for local and remote IPMS ship platform operations, navigation system, communications system and more
- Interconnectable – ability for several NAVANTIS learning rooms to share the same scenarios in a coordinated manner.