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Navantia Australia Congratulates Lockheed Martin and SAAB Australia on Combat Management System Contract

Navantia Australia congratulates Lockheed Martin Australia and SAAB Australia on being selected by the Commonwealth of Australia for the combat management system and Australian tactical interface of Australia’s Future Frigate.

Navantia Australia congratulates Lockheed Martin Australia and SAAB Australia on being selected by the Commonwealth of Australia for the combat management system and Australian tactical interface of Australia’s Future Frigate.

Navantia Australia and SAAB Australia have successfully integrated 9LV Combat System into the two LHDs-Canberra Class and we are presently working together on the two logistic ships for the Royal Australian Navy.

Navantia and Lockheed Martin have developed a strong relationship over the last 40 years collaborating on the integration of the Aegis combat management systems into ships for the Spanish Navy, Royal Australian Navy and Royal Norwegian Navy. Through this productive relationship the two companies have successfully delivered three different classes of surface combants for a total of 13 Aegis equipped frigates and destroyers.

“The combination the Lockheed Martin Aegis combat management system with a SAAB Australia tactical interface will provide the Royal Australian Navy with the most advanced capabilities in the world,” said Navantia Australia Managing Director Donato Martinez.

“We have a strong history of collaboration with SAAB Australia, who are already involved in many of the vessels we have designed and built for the Royal Australian Navy. Our reference ship for the Future Frigate, the Hobart class destroyer, already includes the Lockheed Martin Aegis combat system, so this combination provides a great solution for the Future Frigate Program.”

Navantia has also teamed with SAAB and CEA Technologies to bid for the Canadian Surface Combatant Project which if successful will create one of the largest ever Australian Defence Industry export opportunities.

Navantia Australia has submitted its proposal for the Australian Government’s SEA5000 Future Frigate program, offering the F-5000, the most capable anti-submarine warfare vessel ever developed for the Australian Navy.

“The F-5000 brings unique commonality and interoperability advantages to the Royal Australian Navy’s fleet which will provide significant advantages in relation to both operations and through life support”, Mr Martinez concluded.

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