Navantia Australia celebrates HMAS Stalwart Commissioning
Fleet Base West, Western Australia,
Navantia Australia congratulates the Royal Australian Navy (Navy) on the commissioning of the second Supply Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR), HMAS Stalwart.
Navantia’s Global President, Ricardo Domínguez, said the commissioning of HMAS Stalwart III by the Royal Australian Navy is a proud moment for Navantia’s global workforce.
“I commend the Royal Australian Navy on the commissioning of HMAS Stalwart. This achievement signifies a successful team effort, spanning global boundaries and throughout a challenging landscape and the impacts of COVID-19”.
“The commissioning of HMAS Stalwart today, also marks a significant milestone in the relationship between Navantia, Navantia Australia, the Australian Government and the Royal Australian Navy. In just 15 years, Navantia has delivered four classes of naval ships, representing over 110,000 tonnes or 60% of maritime capability for Navy.”
Navantia Australia’s Managing Director, Israel Lozano, said that through the delivery of these complex programs, the company has developed impressive sovereign capabilities in design, engineering and integration.
“Following on from the success of our parent company, Navantia Australia was established in 2012 as an Australian company to support the delivery and provide through life services to the Supply Class AORs, Canberra Class Landing Helicopter Docks and Landing Craft, and Hobart Class Guided Missile Destroyers.”
“Over the past nine years we have grown our Australian workforce to over 170 people and expanded our footprint to operate in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Perth. Our AOR Support program office in Henderson, Western Australia was specifically opened in 2020 to support HMAS Stalwart and is providing jobs and building maritime sustainment capability in Western Australia,” said Mr Lozano.
Defence’s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group AOR Systems Program Office (SPO) and Navantia Australia formed the AORSPO Enterprise to deliver industry-leading asset management to support the AOR capability through life.
Navantia Australia is acting as Prime Contractor and manages the through life support for these vessels for their first five years of service. As the design authority for the Supply class, Navantia Australia is also providing configuration and baseline management as an integral component of the through life support for these vessels.
HMAS Stalwart, and sister ship, HMAS Supply, were built at Navantia’s shipyard in Ferrol, Spain, with her final fit-out performed at Garden Island, Western Australia in this year.
HMAS Stalwart is the second of Australia’s two newest AORs, which will provide operational support, replenishing the fleet in deployments of the Australian naval and combat forces operations far from port and on the high seas, as they remain in service over the next 25 years.
About Navantia Australia
Navantia Australia designs, integrates and supports naval maritime platforms and systems for the Royal Australian Navy. We are recognised as a Design Authority by the Commonwealth of Australia for the Canberra Class Landing Helicopter Docks (LHD) and Landing Craft, Hobart Class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) and Supply Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) Ships. At Navantia Australia, we are committed to growing our local workforce and links to the Australian Supply Chain to best support the growth of a truly Australian naval shipbuilding and sustainment industry.
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