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Navantia Australia brings professional experience to UTS students to gain defence industry insights

Sydney, NSW,

RADM Steve Tiffen presents Dr Alberto Gonzalez Cantos, Navantia Australia Smart Sustainment Manager with a Silver Commendation

Navantia Australia Smart Sustainment Manager, Dr Alberto González Cantos, has been awarded an Honorary Appointment as a Visiting Fellow of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. This appointment comes as Navantia Australia and UTS formed the Joint Institute in June, which combines Navantia Australia’s professional experience and industry insights and UTS’s academic expertise in engineering and IT solutions, as well as a focus on research with real-world and commercial applications.

Dr González Cantos has also been invited to participate as an advisory member of the Professional Advisory meeting (PAm) for the School of Electrical and Data Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at UTS. The PAm comprises an open-dialogue network of industry and academic representatives and serves a critical purpose in the review of the school’s teaching output.

“We proudly bring our industry experience to students which brings bright, fresh minds to Defence Industry. This is just part of our commitment to growing Australia’s naval ship building industry and delivering sovereign capability to the Royal Australian Navy,” concluded Mr Lozano.

Acting Dean, Faculty of Engineering and IT at the University of Technology Sydney, Mr Michael Blumenstein said, “This joint institute is an excellent opportunity for the University of Technology Sydney to showcase its expertise in developing cutting-edge engineering and IT solution.

“Partnering with leading naval technology company Navantia Australia will provide our students with internship, PhD and employment opportunities as well, helping to future-proof Australia’s defence industry and ensure graduates have the right mix of skills. I’m excited to see the advances in digital technology for the naval industry that result from this collaboration.

“We’re proud of our ability to engage with industry and focus on research that has real-world implications and commercial opportunities. This joint institute is an opportunity for our students and academics to contribute to work that not only improves our understanding of the linkages between the physical and digital worlds, but also strengthens our nation’s long-term defence capabilities.”

Dr González Cantos served as an Associate Professor within the University of Cadiz School of Naval Engineering in Spain for 12 years, earning his PhD in 2017 for his publication of the Application of the Qualitative Theory of Dynamic Systems for The Autonomous Guidance of Vehicles. Dr González Cantos has worked with Navantia since 2003, joining Navantia Australia in 2018 to oversee the development of Smart Sustainment systems.

Honorary appointees are recognised academic, business or community leaders who associate themselves with UTS to collaborate with, assist and/or advise the faculty to which they are appointed. Dr González Cantos is collaborating with UTS in developing projects related to Control and Dynamic Systems (Dynamic Positioning System, Autopilot, etc.) for undergraduate students.  Dr González Cantos is also a Phd supervisor of Navantia Australia Data Analyst, Andre Nunez, titled” Multi-objective ship routing under certainty”.

(L-R) UTS Deputy
Vice Chancellor Innovation & Enterprise, Professor Glenn Wightwick, Navantia Australia Managing Director, Mr Israel Lozano Barragan, and Navantia President, Mr Ricardo Dominguez.

The Joint Institute will promote activities that will provide world-class and commercially relevant research and development (R&D) outcomes and intellectual property to Navantia Australia and promote academic and future workforce engagement in commercial projects.

About University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

UTS is a leading university of technology located in the heart of Sydney’s innovation precinct.  With more than 40,000 students, UTS has a distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a leading reputation for industry and professional engagement.  Underpinned by social impact and a continuing commitment to sustainability, UTS is rated the No.1 ‘young’ university in Australia in the QS and Times Higher Education rankings.

About Navantia Australia

Navantia Australia designs, integrates and supports naval maritime platforms and systems for the Royal Australian Navy. We are recognised as a Design Authority by the Commonwealth of Australia for the Canberra Class Landing Helicopter Docks (LHD) and Landing Craft, Hobart Class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) and Supply Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) Ships. At Navantia Australia, we are committed to growing our local workforce and links to the Australian Supply Chain to best support the growth of a truly Australian naval shipbuilding and sustainment industry.

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