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High praise from Navy for LHD Sustainment Teams

Garden Island, Sydney,

Australian Navy Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Jonathan Mead, AM, RAN, (right) and Commander Surface Force, Commodore Stephen Hughes, CSC, RAN, (left) observes the fleet movements through Sydney Harbour as HMAS Adelaide returns home to Fleet Base East in Sydney, NSW after taking part in Operation Bushfire Assist 19-20.

On Tuesday 31 March 2020, Rear Admiral Wendy Malcolm, Head of Maritime Systems (HMS), received high praise from Commodore Steve Hughes, Commander Surface Force, regarding the outstanding work of the ACPC LHD Sustainment teams at Garden Island. Navantia Australia currently has 30 personnel involved with providing sustainment services to both Canberra class LHDs.

CDRE Hughes told RADM Malcolm in reviewing HMAS Adelaide over the last couple of days he declared that the ship was “in the best shape I have ever seen an LHD.”

HMS congratulated the SPO Director and other SPO stakeholders in an email sent to them as well as the Commander Australian Fleet RADM Jonathan Mead, Head of Navy Engineering RADM Col Lawrence, and the Director General Maritime Surface Ships, CDRE Rob Elliott.

Well done to you, your entire team, all of your contractors and supporting staff for delivering an excellent result for our Navy. That you have performed so well at such a difficult time is truly outstanding – please pass on my appreciation to all of your people,” wrote RADM Malcolm.

HMAS Adelaide departed Sydney on Tuesday for the north Queensland exercise area. While the Navy has suspended training exercises, deployments and other activities,  HMAS Adelaide is undergoing essential training.

The Defence Department advised that all crew had undergone COVID-19 screening prior to deployment.

“At sea, health threats including communicable diseases like COVID-19, are deliberately considered as part of force health protection. Major Fleet Units deploy with a medical officer or an appropriately trained medical team who are capable of screening and providing care to any personnel with symptoms.

“Should any crew member show symptoms, isolation arrangements on board will be put into place in strict accordance with public health requirements,” said a Defence representative.

HMAS Adelaide will berth at Townsville in late April.

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