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Platform system integration adds value through davit replacement

| Garden Island, Sydney NSW

Navantia Australia was recognised by the Destroyer Enterprise for their outstanding work on the davit replacement project. The sea boat davit plays a critical role in enhancing today’s Navy capability due to the increasing reliance on rapid response boarding parties in maritime operations. This davit capability upgrade is a key milestone for the whole of the Destroyer Enterprise being the first time that the Enterprise had to manage such a major design change to the DDG platform Baseline. All stakeholders have learnt many lessons through the journey.

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NUSHIP Supply commissioning crew prepares for arrival of new AOR

| Garden Island, Sydney NSW

Navantia Australia has been building a close relationship with the ship’s company ahead of the delivery of the unit later this year. One of the efforts Navantia has done to assist the ship’s company was to support them in preparing for this gathering. NUSHIP Supply (II) is the lead ship of two Supply class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) ships currently being built for the Royal Australian Navy by Navantia. The Australian Supply class ships are based on the Spanish Navy's Cantabria class design. The ships are intended to carry fuel, dry cargo, water, food, ammunition, equipment and spare parts to provide operational support for the deployed naval or combat forces operating far from the port on the high seas for longer periods.

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